A Buncha Idiots...

These are the denizens of Jingletown,

the kids of War and Peace,

they are Idiot America

and they are calling out to you... 


Karl Weigand - Andrew Jackson

Karl Weigand - Andrew Jackson

Rikki Ziegelman - Rachel Jackson

Rikki Ziegelman - Rachel Jackson

Conor Choi - Johnny

Conor Choi - Johnny

Ben Natan - Will

Ben Natan - Will

Chelsea Cortes - Female Soloist

Chelsea Cortes - Female Soloist

Matthew Swanson - Martin Van Buren

Matthew Swanson - Martin Van Buren

Solomon Mason - John Calhoun

Solomon Mason - John Calhoun

Lauren Suchenski - Storyteller

Lauren Suchenski - Storyteller

Ashely Kristeen Vega - Extraordinary Girl

Ashely Kristeen Vega - Extraordinary Girl

Braden Chapman - St. Jimmy

Braden Chapman - St. Jimmy

Lucy Vavala - Heather

Lucy Vavala - Heather

Caitlin Killeen - Ensemble

Caitlin Killeen - Ensemble